Thursday, August 28, 2008

Spoiling is fun!

I know his birthday isn't until December 3rd, but between the sale price and the overwhelming cuteness, it went in my cart. Oh Isaac, your Aunt Suzy is a sucker for making you giggle!

it's called the Put 'N' Giggle Octopus. The balls are soft and he can practice motor skills putting them into the bowl. Plus it wiggles and giggles which will totally make him laugh. And that totally makes me happy.

I'm so screwed when I have my own babies.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I think I have a problem.

So, I thought my addiction to diet coke was bad, but I know I can go days without it and it's not that huge of an issue. However, losing my internet on Monday night was the awakening of a different beast. I was MISERABLE. I would walk by the computer and feel this clenching inside of me. I was having withdrawals! Now, if I was smart, or at the very least responsible, I would see that as God showing me that the computer is becoming an idol in my life and make an effort to cut down my usage. Unfortunately, I felt so horribly DISCONNECTED that I don't feel ready for that. Maybe someday.

On a ridiculously adorable note, I was at HEB with my mom on Monday and one of my kiddos came running up to me with a huge grin on her face. Moments like that are totally the blessings of teaching Sunday school with little kids.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday in 2 parts.

Part 1: the kids.
They told us that attendence would be low the first few weeks and then as school started, would surge and then level out in October or November. The first 3 weeks, we had 7 or 8 kids in our class each Sunday. Today we had 15. That's right. 15 5 year old blessings. I've been praying to become a more patient person and for sweeter speech, and this is an excellent arena to develop those things! Probably 10 of my kids are wonderful. They're pretty well behaved and the worst problem is a bit of the wiggles or wanting to keep playing instead of doing the lesson activities. But the other 4 or so offered some challenges. These challenges were totally exacerbated by today's lesson which was the plagues in Egypt. To replicate the boils, the kids were given red dot stickers. Most of them were adorable with it. 3 of mine were gone for the rest of the lesson because they got so wrapped in sticking them on each other's eyes. Don't worry, they offered up challenges outside of that, too. The biggest challenge of the day was that they did tangible renactments of these plagues outside. Friends, it was HOT. We didn't make it through all the plagues, but we did add a new one: the plague of "I have to potty real bad!" It wasn't really that horrible, but I hope that they rethink the time of the year they do this lesson when it cycles back around.
The morning ended with an awesome moment, though. I had a new girl in my class and she was not happy about being there when she arrived. We sat together on the carpet and I tried to convince her to play with the other kids, but she wouldn't even talk to me, just make gestures and "HRMPH!"'s. When her mom came to pick her up, she ran over and gave me a huge hug. LOVE IT.

Part 2: the sermon
Today was the first day of the new sermon series: For Better, For Worse. Today's message was the purpose of marriage. I've been praying since I found out about this series that God would open me to it and change me. I prayed it again this morning when we were praying before he delivered the message! So imagine my surprise when I found myself sinking into resentment and a general feeling of, "Duh." I caught myself and immediately prayed for God to remove my arrogance. Obviously, there are lessons for me to learn and changes to be made in me with this, because why else would God have me in this place to hear these things?

I believe that God is at work and moving, and maybe, just maybe, D will listen to these sermons online. Nothing is too big for our Lord, so why not?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

so far so good

One of the main reasons I came to Austin this week is because I've been feeling kind of funky. I want to feel good, and I do believe that you have to choose to be happy, but for whatever reason, the funk is still trying to take over. I think God knows it, too, and has been trying to help me fight it with all the extra obvious blessings He's been showering me with.

But I'm in Austin. This is the place where I'm relaxed, where most of the people who know me best are. It does good things for me, so I'm hoping it'll push out my funk.

I had a great evening to kick off the visit, and know there's more to come.

Monday, August 18, 2008


I've said it before and I'll say it again: God is so cool!

I have a Stephen Minister through my church who is AMAZING. She and I were talking last night about how things have been going for me, and if I had talked to D or not. Well, things have kind of slidden downward for me in a few areas (out of my control) and I haven't talked to D which is eating at me because I miss him so much. She told me that she would be praying and that she knows the Lord is working in my life. I told her that I know at this point its all about faith, trust, and patience.

Fast forward a few hours to me being awake all night because I made the bad decision to take a 4 hour nap after church. So I was playing games online and listening to ksbj. I love the overnight DJ on that station because he sounds entirely too much like Mr. Garrison from South Park when he talks, but also because he uses his breaks between songs to talk about scripture and pray. Well, last night he really caught my attention when he started talking about the scriptures (I think it's in John 14) that talk about asking for things in faith. He actually used the words faith and trust when talking about praying and seeking the Lord's guidance and provision. Um, yes.

Finish it up with today's devotional in Jesus Calling

Expect to encounter adversity in your life, remembering that you live in a deeply fallen world. Stop trying to find a way that circumvents difficulties. The main problem with an easy life is that it masks your need for Me. When you became a Christian, I infused My very Life into you, empowering you to live on a supernatural plane by depending on Me.

Anticipate coming face-to-face with impossibilities: situations totally beyond your ability to handle. This awareness of your inadequacy is not something you should try to evade. It is precisely where I want you - the best place to encounter Me in
My Glory and Power. When you see armies of problems marching toward you, cry out to Me! Allow me to fight for you. Watch Me working on your behalf, as you rest in the shadow of My Almighty Presence.

Revelation 19:1; Psalm 91:1

There's a song by Casting Crowns called Who Am I that really gets it.

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours

Who Am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love, and watch me rise again
Who Am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours

I am Yours
I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours

I am so small and insignificant but the Lord of Creation knows every single hair on my head, and loves me so deeply. He actually does care about every single thing that I feel and pays attention. That is HUGE. My life is a mess right now in so many ways, but because I am covered with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, it's all part of the beautiful work of art that the Lord is creating in me. SERIOUSLY.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I like your faces.

I'm coming to Austin this week. I'll be in town Tuesday afternoon thru Friday morning (yes that means Posse on Thursday). If you'd like to hang out and crack Busey jokes, call/text/comment me. Because I love your words and voices, but I also love your face.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

In your FACE.

I absolutely love it when God is in my face. Well, not so much when He's convicting me, like in my face saying, "STOP THAT!" and pointing out my flaws, weaknesses, and avoidable stumbles in my walk. But I love it when He's in my face showing me He's there and listening.

This morning in Sunday school, we were talking about how God took care of Baby Moses. The lesson for the kids was that God takes care of them just like He took care of Moses in the river. When they said we'd grow spiritually from working with kids, they weren't kidding! Who doesn't need that reminder that God is always taking care of them?

Then I get to big church (I teach during the 8:45 service and then worship at 10:45) and there's this beautiful glossy flyer card thing for the upcoming sermon series: Marriage - For Better or For Worse. Katy gave me some encouragement because she knows those sermons eat at me, and not in a convicting way. September 7th is "How to be a good husband". Anyone interested? :o)

Then tonight, I texted Denver for Lucie (because she got on my bed, walked over and nuzzled a picture of him, then snuggled in my lap) to tell him she loves him. He responded with "Do you know who Need to Breathe is?" Um, YES. "Yea, they're my show tonight." Friends, this is HUGE. For several hours tonight, Denver will be ministered to, whether he realizes it or not. He will be surrounded by Christ's message and be in a room where people are worshipping the love of their life - JESUS. Being at a Christian concert is extremely powerful, and it's hard to not feel it deep inside of you.

God's fighting for him so hard, y'all. He's been telling me to be patient and faithful this entire time, and even in the darkest times He's been there (even when I felt left - but that was to build patience) and now He's giving me a burst of answered prayers. I've prayed so many times for God to put things in Denver's path that make it hard if not impossible to ignore Him. Um, hours of praise will do that.

God is so cool.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Do you ever have those days where you just can't stop praying for patience with the people around you? Okay, all of you moms obviously do, but I mean everyone else.

Do you think God cuts you a little slack when PMS is involved?

I really hope so...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Gary Busey will pull out your endocrine system

I am not going to do a full on recap of the splendor of my 3 days in the hill country, because there's entirely too much awesome to be contained in a blog. This entry is still going to be lengthy, but decidedly condensed. Prepare for a highlight reel, full of visual aids.

Kicking off the trip with several hours with Eryn in Austin was PERFECT. You know how you miss people, and you know you them, but then when you finally see them again and you realize how much you really missed them? Yea, that happened to us. Eryn, you're way too beautiful, girl. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Tuna helper.

Thursday night was Ray, Sarah, Kevin, Tom, Shan, and me. I did not win at beer pong, but I think with beer pong, everyone's a winner. Same with Circle of Death. Fallopian Tubes.

Friday was golf day. You know the day is about to be awesome when you pile in the truck and Ray looks at Kevin and says, "Kevin, I need to know if you have any Kenny Loggins." And is then SHOCKED that the answer is no. SERIOUSLY. Anyhoo, golfing in Burnet is unique. I did not enjoy when the bee flew up my shorts. I did enjoy the tumbleweed the rolled across the fairway, the empty shotgun shell next to the cart path, and the multitude of deer just chillin' throughout the course. (for the record, I totally just typed "coarse" and went "oh crap!" and fixed it.) On the way back to the house, we had a little fun with Tom and Cody in the bed of the truck. Trust me, washing the windsheild while going downhill is HILARIOUS.

Friday night, almost everyone else arrived. The only person who maintained complete sobriety was Cody, but that's because he's on medication that prevented him from drinking. We drank for him, naturally. I lost at beer pong, repeatedly. My game was just not on this weekend!! It's okay, though, because there were a lot of good times all around.

Saturday morning I got the best wake up imaginable. I was being gently nudged awake and opened my eyes to the angel that is JEN HERNANDEZ. She rocks my world.

Saturday morning was also the time when Ross and I (while taking breaks to make fun of Karl) took an hour to get to the punchline - Gary Busey is Egyptian! We laughed so so hard, because we think we're HILARIOUS. We were taking pieces of Busey-quotes, comments our friends had made, pop culture notable quotables, and snippits from Wikipedia to create an hour of laughs that all started with Gary Busey threatening to "pull out your endocrine system." We discovered that the ovaries and testes are included, so Busey was probably just threatening to rip your balls off. We meandered along and talked about vulvectomies (because Sarah started that on the golf course while talking about her job). Moving right along, A&E in the Classroom made an appearance. At one point, I was mentioning how when my friend Russell was killed, his casket was filled with special things he had loved, including but not limited to a copy of Blazing Saddles. That coupled with the previously mentioned educational television led to jokes about mummification. And voila! PUNCHLINE. When the ancient Egyptians were preparing the body for mummification, they removed the organs. They removed the brain with a hook through the nose. Part of the endocrine system is in the brain. So you see, Gary Busey wasn't talking about violence at all. He was just wanting to prepare you for mummification.

We always have fireworks on the dock Saturday night. This year, Karl tried to kill us. He lit an M-60 then accidentally threw it behind him and straight into the box of fireworks. We are some fast movers when our lives are threatened. Luckily, he just burned a hole in the box and did not light the entire dock on fire.

There was this group of drunken fools from a few houses over paddling around on a water trampoline (see image below), getting entirely too close to the balls of fire we were shooting into the air.

The water cops arrived and gave them all tickets for being retarded. Not really. I mean, they got tickets, but more because 1. it's illegal to be on the water after dark without a light on your "vessel" and 2. they were all blatently TRASHED. We thanked the cops for getting them off the water.

Obviously I love the traditional big fireworks in the sky. I also REALLY REALLY like it when Cody and Ray revert to little boys with fireworks. We had "cock fights" which means they would do a circle of those chicken fireworks. My favorite was the military renactments with tanks. The losing red tanks were dubbed "The French Tanks"



I had to leave when the fireworks were done because I had to be at the church by 8:15 this morning (obviously, I was late, but only about 5 minutes). I packed up, got lots of hugs and hit the road at, oh, 12:30. I had some near death animal experiences on the drive home. It spooked me a little when I was driving 65 mph on hills in the dark (hey, that was the speed limit!) and a deer sprinted across the road. But what really made me soil my pants when one was just chillin' in the road. No "deer in the headlights" look. She was looking around!! Luckily, there was a stop sign just past her, so I had already begun to stop. My car stopped about 3 inches from her, and then she ran off. My final near death experience actually resulted in death. After 11 years of driving, I have now offically created roadkill. That poor little armadillo didn't stand a chance. But hey, my brand new tires took it well!

I got home at 4:30 this morning, and it was totally worth it. What an AMAZING weekend!! I talked to Denver several times over the course of the weekend. That stirs a lot of feelings in me, but God put me where I needed to be. When I have that much awesomeness around me, its pretty much impossible to be depressed. Seriously. God blessed me beyond belief. I have amazing friends and so much love in my life. Plus laughter is good for you, and I laughed A LOT. Thanks so much, y'all.