The jack-o-lantern part is a bit more difficult for me. It's been 12 years since my traumatic carving accident, but I know that I will die without ever carving another pumpkin. Mom and I were going to just put a candle in one of those plastic pumpkin buckets. We didn't see any at the store today, so we changed the plan. I was just going to paint a face on a pumpkin. So we picked out a nice big one and brought it home. Here comes the part about the ringer. My brother called and said he and Natalie were getting ready to carve theirs. I asked if he wanted to do ours, too. He knows about my fears and totally agrees with my decision to never carve a pumpkin again, so he gladly agreed. Natalie and I designed the face together. I think he's pretty awesome...
My adorable face design assistant:
My adorable distraction from the actual carving:
HOLY MOLY! Can't believe 12 years have passed since your incident! That's when I was sitting next to you in Mr. Coker's biology class. Man! I feel OLD! :-)
I totally made my dad bring my bio book to the ER because we had a test the next day!
To make yourself feel less old, remind yourself that we couldn't even drive yet at the time. :-)
Haha - too funny. :-)
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